What Lifestyle (diet) is good for you?

Does it really matter what diet plan you use, as long as you pick one and lose the weight! Well yes there many diets out there you have to do your homework based on your lifestyle needs.  If you’re someone that doesn’t like a lot of red meat then maybe the Mediterranean Diet might be good for you. SO here are a list of diets that you might want to look at as ranked by U.S News and World Report , in collaboration with 41 “ health experts “ : drum roll please…..

  1. Mediterranean Diet – research has shown that this diet helps reduce the “ risk “ of heart disease and may help reduce you LDL (bad) cholesterol and may help reduce a host of other chronic diseases.
  2. DASH Diet it may help reduce those who suffer from high blood pressure , may help reduce the risk of diabetes and help fight depression
  3. Flexitarian Diet this diet is mainly for those of us that want to go vegetarian, but every now and then have a craving for a fat juicy burger but go lean lol! This may be a great way to transition to a vegetarian lifestyle.
  4. MIND Diet, hey this diet was designed by researchers at Rush University in Chicago. The article I read states “In fact, one study found the diet may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. I never heard of it but it’s doesn’t hurt to try if Alzheimer’s runs in the family. Weight Watchers tied with the MIND Diet, counting those points again!

Low ranking diets in The Keto Diet, yes the Keto diet simply because there is not enough research to back up its health benefits. But losing weight is a health benefit in my book, just use common since when doing this diet and eat your damn veggies. Also ranking low was the Dukan Diet (not dunkin doughnuts lol) and the WHOLE30 diet.  So there are the low rollers for you.

Bottom line it really going to depend on what your lifestyle and dietary need are. I’ve tried them all and for me personally because I’m not trying to lose weight I would have to go with the Mediterranean Diet simply because I like the food choices and there has been some research the shows people who consume foods in the Mediterranean Diet have experienced some long life benefits by using the Met Diet along with some other lifestyle choices “LIKE WALKING” AND BEING PYHSICALLY ACTIVE . All I can say is use common sense and make your choice wisely!!!

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