What Lifestyle (diet) is good for you?

Does it really matter what diet plan you use, as long as you pick one and lose the weight! Well yes there many diets out there you have to do your homework based on your lifestyle needs.  If you’re someone that doesn’t like a lot of red meat then maybe the Mediterranean Diet might be good for you. SO here are a list of diets that you might want to look at as ranked by U.S News and World Report , in collaboration with 41 “ health experts “ : drum roll please…..

  1. Mediterranean Diet – research has shown that this diet helps reduce the “ risk “ of heart disease and may help reduce you LDL (bad) cholesterol and may help reduce a host of other chronic diseases.
  2. DASH Diet it may help reduce those who suffer from high blood pressure , may help reduce the risk of diabetes and help fight depression
  3. Flexitarian Diet this diet is mainly for those of us that want to go vegetarian, but every now and then have a craving for a fat juicy burger but go lean lol! This may be a great way to transition to a vegetarian lifestyle.
  4. MIND Diet, hey this diet was designed by researchers at Rush University in Chicago. The article I read states “In fact, one study found the diet may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. I never heard of it but it’s doesn’t hurt to try if Alzheimer’s runs in the family. Weight Watchers tied with the MIND Diet, counting those points again!

Low ranking diets in The Keto Diet, yes the Keto diet simply because there is not enough research to back up its health benefits. But losing weight is a health benefit in my book, just use common since when doing this diet and eat your damn veggies. Also ranking low was the Dukan Diet (not dunkin doughnuts lol) and the WHOLE30 diet.  So there are the low rollers for you.

Bottom line it really going to depend on what your lifestyle and dietary need are. I’ve tried them all and for me personally because I’m not trying to lose weight I would have to go with the Mediterranean Diet simply because I like the food choices and there has been some research the shows people who consume foods in the Mediterranean Diet have experienced some long life benefits by using the Met Diet along with some other lifestyle choices “LIKE WALKING” AND BEING PYHSICALLY ACTIVE . All I can say is use common sense and make your choice wisely!!!

The Skinny on Fat…

We hear it all the time ­, fat is BAD for you! Drink skim milk instead of whole. Get fat-­free yogurt instead of full-­fat. Have an egg white omelet. Trim the fat off your meat and remove the skin before you eat it!

But is this really the best advice? Here are the real facts about fat… It’s important to understand that eating fat does not make us fat.

If you’re looking for the shady criminal to blame,­ look no further than the processed carbs, sugar, and H.F.C.S ( HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP) that find their way into almost everything we eat.

Plain and simple: eating SUGAR makes us fat.

Now it’s definitely important to not overeat on your healthy fats, as too much of anything will have an impact on your waistline.

Please keep in mind that the key words are healthy fats.

Healthy fats include things like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, grass-­fed butter and ghee, animal fats (duck, beef, pork), Omega 3’s (found in fish), etc.

The “bad” kinds of fat you want to stay away from are trans-fats.

Most trans fats that people eat have been cooked up in a laboratory kitchen where scientists “hydrogenate” certain oils so they have a longer shelf life. Trans fats are found in a LOT of packaged foods­ like baked goods, donuts, pie crusts, cookies, crackers, margarine, and a lot of fried foods.

Basically look at your labels­ and if you see anything labeled “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated” get rid of it fast.

In addition to trans fats, you also want to stay away from refined oils that tend to be high in Omega-6’s (which throw off the ideal Omega­-3's to Omega-­6's balance) like peanut oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, and corn oil.

Not that you know what kinds of fat NOT to eat, let’s talk about why the right kinds of fat are GREAT for your body.

Healthy fats are incredible for your body. They are important for:

Making hormones Brain health Energy levels

Supporting your thyroid Strengthening your bones Strengthening your immune system Reducing your risk for Cancer

And the list goes on….

If you’re thinking that eating more healthy fats will increase your cholesterol and put you at an increased risk for heart disease, get ready for these facts:

* “No study to date has adequately shown any significant link between dietary and serum cholesterol levels or any significant causative link between cholesterol and actual heart disease” – Nora Gedgaudas, Primal Body Primal Mind (pg. 80)

  • About half of people admitted to hospitals with heart disease have normal cholesterol

AND….in 2015, the DGAC (Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee) has recommended that limitations on dietary cholesterol be removed from their guidelines for Americans. WIN! http://www.medpagetoday.com/PrimaryCare/DietNutrition/55425

I encourage you NOT to take my word for it, but to do your own research and explore the links above.

You’ll be blown away by what you find and also by the myths that will be shattered when you read the science.

The great news is... that grass-­fed beef, real butter, and bacon (all in moderation, of course) are back on the menu!  But as always, I encourage you to do your own research on the subject!

The Not-So Sweet Truth About Sugar…

Added sugars (that don’t occur naturally in the foods you are eating) can be absolutely detrimental to your health.

I’m talking about diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, digestive disorders, arthritis, and the list goes on and on.

Sugar Crystal

Consuming a high amount of refined sugars is a LEADING cause of inflammation in your body.

Did you know that soda and other sugary drinks are the #1 source of calories in the American diet!? Here are a few not-­so-­sweet facts about sugar:

  1. Sugar promotes inflammation in the body – the root cause of disease
  2. Large amounts of sugar will suppress your immune system. (imagine how your immune systems suffers if you’re eating processed sugars every meal)
  3. Sugar suppresses the release of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in the body
  4. Sugars will raise your insulin levels ­ which over time can lead to a whole host of diseases Sugars have a massive negative effect on energy levels throughout the day
  5. Impacts your hormones and your ability to deal with stress
  6. Artificial sugars like Splenda and Aspartame are no better for you, either. They have been proven to have countless negative effects in your body and especially in your brain. Sugar in itself is NOT bad. In fact, we need a certain amount of it to even survive and be able to think straight.
  7. The problem really stems from the quick rise in our blood sugar levels when we consume large amounts sugar on a regular basis.

When you eat healthy carbs, like a sweet potato or an apple, you’re also eating the fiber that comes along with it. Digestion is slowed down, so even though you’re eating sugar, your blood sugar levels do not raise as fast. Your body can easily handle it.

If you drink a Coke, there’s no fiber or anything to slow down the digestive process, and your blood sugar levels spike to unnatural highs.

So, for this challenge, we’re going to keep it close to nature.

Try to stay away from ALL white and refined sugar, high-­fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners.

Acceptable substitutes (in moderation, of course) Green Leaf Stevia and Erythritol. Out of the mention sweeteners , Erythritol is my go to ! Click here to find out why

Green Leaf Stevia is a much less processed form of Stevia and does not have an impact on your blood sugar levels. It has been around for centuries. It’s about 30-­40 times sweeter than regular sugar… so make sure you only use the smallest amount! Erythritol is about 70% as sweet as sugar and only contain .24 calories per gram , but I encourage you to do your own research!

Remember ­ this is a LIFESTYLE approach, not a fad diet. I don’t want you feeling deprived in any way, so it’s all about finding healthier alternatives to what you’re already eating!


Get Your Sleep

Get your sleep!

Deepen Your Sleep        

What happens to our bodies when we sleep is nothing short of a miracle. Our bodies are busy restoring, detoxing, and regenerating without us even being consciously aware of it. We all know how important sleep is, but unfortunately, so many of us struggle with getting the solid 6-8 hours we need every night.  Not only that- but the QUALITY of sleep seems to be on the decline as well. 


This week, your challenge is to aim for 6-8 hours of quality, deep sleep each night.  Here are a few ways to improve the quality of your sleep:


  1. Sleeping in complete darkness. It’s important for regulating the circadian rhythm- and even small amounts of light can reduce melatonin levels and disrupt sleep. Tip: Cover all light sources, remove any unnecessary electronics, and try blackout curtains if you have windows. 
  2. Avoid technology for at least 90 minutes before bed! This includes the computer, TV and even using your cell phone.  
  3. Adjust your thermostat to around 65 degrees- that temperature has been shown to promote the highest quality of sleep in most people.
  4. Reduce the noise nearby if possible. Or- if you need some background, calming noise, try a free app called Noisli.
  5. Choose the right mattress! Make sure you’re getting enough support.
  6. Keep air inside your home clean and fresh. Studies have directly linked indoor air pollution with some of the sleeping disorders. Tip: Keep plants inside your home or try an inexpensive air filter or purifier.


Your challenge is to implement 1 or more strategies and aim for 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep!  Do you accept!?  Let me know in a comment below!


Fitness For You At Any Age

Smart tips for fitness at any age!

If your over 40 , you've probably noticed that is very easy to gain and and very hard to sometimes lose weight. Changes in hormone levels, eating habits, activity level ( moving food up to your mouth doesn't count as an activity lol ). Here are a few tips to help. Here are 7 ways that can help you!

1. Eat your fruits and veggies. They have the nutrients with  added sugars in them , fiber  and can serve as a great snack while watching your favorite show.

2. Don't skip breakfast ( did you know " breakfast : break-a-fast is derived from the 15th century which meant " dinner " and was the first meal of the day ). Eating breakfast can help lower the chances of you over eating when having a mid-morning snack or smaller lunch portion.

3. Cook your meal and bake your own treats using healthier alternatives for your ingredients ( almond flour, erythritol, coconut flour ) for a complete list please feel free to contact me at kevendb@myfitnesschefchicago.com

4. Don't opt for a second helping everyday you eat. Make eating a more social event ( talk more a the table ) in your life and consume a glass of cool water before your first bite and continue sipping on cool water during your meal . You will be amazed at how much that helps you decrease the amount of calories consumed during your meal.

5. Consider doing resistance training ( body weight counts as resistance training ) and adding that to your fitness routine. It has been proven that muscle burns more fat throughout the day . Don't get me wrong, cardio is great for you ,but you only burn calories while your heart rate is elevated. Once your heart rate returns to normal your body ceases burning excess calories ( beyond what's needed for bodily functions ) . So hit the weights , use your body or exercise bands.

6. Watch what you eat! Be mindful of the choices you make when selecting food. There are many smart phone apps that can help you monitor the quality of food you chose to consume. MyFitnessPal , Fooducate, and Lose It are a few.

7. Get plenty of sleep and find a way to reduce stress in your life ( meditation or a hobby ). Learn to relax ,enjoy family ,friends and life.